Create a CMA report

How do I run a CMA for appraisals?

You can run a CMA report from the Property Report by selecting Sales/Rentals CMA under Appraisal tools.

We'll show you how to use the Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) tool to generate professional CMA reports for your appraisals.

  1. Login to Pricefinder and enter the address into the Property Search tool. Click Search.


  2. Scroll down to Records Found and find the property in the results. Click the address to open the Property Report.


  3. On the Property Report page scroll down to Appraisal Tools and click Sales or Rentals CMA.


  4. Check the address and property attributes to make sure they’re correct. If you need to change the address or attributes, scroll down to the Display Address field to change the address, and scroll down to the Attributes section to change the values. Select or deselect any other relevant features in this section.


    Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Next Step.


  5. In the Cover Page & Letter tab, select a Theme and Prepared By option from the drop-down menus.


    If you intend on using the digital CMA only select Pricefinder - Custom (Property Photo) or Pricefinder - Custom (Office Photo) themes for now.

    A preview of the cover will load to the right.


    Scroll down to complete/update the Letter Details and Agent Details. You can also click Use Default Letter for a generic option.

    If you make changes to the letter, you can save this as the default letter by selecting Save letter content. Note: You must be an agent to select this.

    Click Next Step to continue.



  6. The Research Charts & Maps section allows you to include visual aids or statistical charts in your Appraisal.

    Select the options relevant to your appraisal. There are four options to choose from:

    • Property Report
    • Suburb Statistics
    • Suburb Map(s)
    • Suburb Profile (ABS Statistics)

    Once you’ve selected options click Next Step.


  7. Add comparable properties. The CMA allows you to include For Rent, For Sale and/or Recently Sold properties within your report.


    For each section, adjust the search criteria as necessary then select Search for view the results

    A list of comparable properties will appear and the system will then automatically select 10 properties it considers a best match.

    You can update the properties that are included by selecting (or unselecting) the tick box on the photo for each individual property.

    Click Sort by: to sort the properties in order of best match, most recent, highest or lowest price, or closest.

    4_Comparable Properties Selection.gif

    Once you are happy with the included comparable click Next Step and repeat until you have selected all three comparable options.


    If you have not completed the search to select comparable properties the system will still include the properties it considers a best match.

  8. The Summary Page allows you to enter a Sale and/or Rental Price estimate for the property.

    Enter a price or price range manually (using a Pricefinder Estimate, or your own price indication) or select the generated price range based on your comparable properties.

    The generated price range is calculated as ∓5% of the mean sale price of your selected comparable properties. This may be useful if you have a unique property or located in an area with low sales activity.

    Click Create Digital CMA to finalise the appraisal. Click Download PDF to download the appraisal to send to your client.



Create a CMA report FAQ’s

How do I change the photo used for the property?
  1. Within the CMA go to the Property Features Tab
  2. Select the image under Property Photo
  3. Scroll through the photo carousel to the image you wish to make the main photo
  4. Select the 1 in the top right corner of the viewer to update the main image
  5. Select the x in the top right to exit the photo carousel

    The main photo will be updated

How do I change the photo used for a comparable?
Sometimes the main photo for a comparable property in your CMA may not be the best image to include within the report. 

You can update the image that is displayed by:
  1. Select the current photo for the comparable property you wish to update
  2. Scroll through the photo carousel and click into the image you wish to make the main photo
  3. Select the ‘1’ in the top right corner of the viewer to update the main image
  4. Select the in the top right to exit the photo carousel

    The main image will have updated within your search results list

How do I change the branding for my CMA Reports?
Pricefinder allows you to create custom branding to be used for all of your reports including the CMA. This includes options such as updating colour scheme or loading an office photo for the cover page.
See this article for more details: I want to set up branded reports
Can I include comparable sales that do not meet the search?
Sometimes you may have a specific comparable in mind that does not meet your search criteria. Rather than adjusting the search criteria you have the option to manually include it using Add Comparable Sale

Simply search for the address under Add Comparable Sale and select the matching sale from the drop down. It will then be included in your search results.


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