Title or plan is not available for direct order

I’m trying to order a title or plan but it’s not available.

You can try reloading a title or plan from the Complete Purchase section by clicking Purchase.

Sometimes technical issues get in the way of a title or plan being provided to Pricefinder so, you won’t be able to order it. When this happens there may be an alternative. 

When you purchases a title, on the right had side under Complete Purchase once you enter your password and click Purchase, then it will load. If the purchase is successful a link to donload will pop up on the right hand side. If the purchase doesn't work, an error message will appear saying 'Error could not load title, please contact support and quote reference...'  

Contact Pricefinder Support with the reference number and let us know that the title didn't work.



If you are not able to get the titles or plans via Pricefinder you may be able to order them from one of the below websites that provide one off document searches for their relevant state:

QLD https://www.qld.gov.au/housing/buying-owning-home/property-land-valuations/property-search
NSW https://online.nswlrs.com.au/
VIC https://www.landata.vic.gov.au/
WA https://www.landgate.wa.gov.au/titles-and-surveys
SA https://www.landservices.com.au/
TAS https://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/app/content/home
NT https://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/title-search/
ACT https://actlis.act.gov.au/titleSearch


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If you need further assistance from our Support Team contact us via the Support icon during business hours.

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