Update property features, attributes & photos

Can I update property features, attributes & photos if they are missing, incorrect or out of date?

You can update property features, photos and other details by clicking Photos within the Property Report.

Let’s take a look at how you can update the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and parking, as well as the property features. 

We'll show you how to:

    1. Update property features
    2. Update property attributes
    3. Add property photos


    1. Enter the address into the search bar. Select Property Report then click the Search icon.


    2. Scroll down the page and click Photos from the left side-menu.


    3. Scroll down to the Features section and make any required changes. Click Update Property Details.



Add photos to a property

To add photos to a property follow the same steps as above to get to the Photos and Features page.

  1. Scroll to the Photo Manipulation Area section and click Choose file.
  2. Select a photo from your computer.
  3. Click [+] to add more photos.
  4. Select where in the order you'd like the image to appear or select Set as Main Image.
  5. Click Update Property Details.


    The property details have now been updated on Pricefinder.

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