MyDesktop Integration

How can I integrate Pricefinder with MyDesktop? 

You can set up MyDesktop integration by logging into MyDesktop and selecting Settings then, under Admin, select User Management.

Pricefinder integrates with MyDesktop to provide access to a range of features such as access to the Map Insights and Property Wizard.

Set up Pricefinder Integration

This integration must be set up by a MyDesktop System Administrator.

  1. Login to MyDesktop

  2. Select Settings then under Admin select User Management

  3. Select Edit/Remove on the Staff Member you wish to set up the integration for

  4. Scroll down to the APM Pricefinder section and enter the staff members Pricefinder username and password

  5. Select Update Staff Member

  6. Repeat for all staff


Your MyDesktop account has now been linked to Pricefinder!


Available Features

Once your integration has been set up, you can access the below features within your MyDesktop account.

Add Property Wizard

When adding a new property with the wizard, users can start typing the address to look up the property in Pricefinder and import it automatically along with property details without having to manually enter those details.

Quick Link to Pricefinder

Quickly access Pricefinder reports including the Property Report, CMA, Suburb Flyover and Radial Sales reports from the MyDesktop Property Card.

Market Monitor

The Market Monitor widget provides sales information from Pricefinder for up to five suburbs in your area. This can be set for the office, or an individual user.

Note: You do not have to be a Pricefinder subscriber to access the Market Monitor feature.

Map Insights

Run a Market Share Report using current data from Pricefinder for properties current listed for sale or rent, allowing you to track agency performance against other offices in the area. 


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