Search for property by Lot & Plan

How can I search for a property using the Lot & Plan?

You can search for property on a lot or plan by selecting Lot & Plan from the Search Menu.

The Lot & Plan search makes it easy to find a specific or all properties on a plan. This can be particularly useful if searching for new developments. 


Start your search

  1. Select Property Search from the Search Menu
  2. Under the Search By option select Lot & Plan
  3. Enter the Lot Number (Leave this blank if you want to see all properties for the plan)
  4. Enter the Plan Type (i.e. SP or DP) and Plan Number
  5. Select Search


Search Results

If searching for a specific Lot & Plan the Property Report will be loaded.


If searching for all properties on the plan the search results will appear. Select the address to load the property report.


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