How can I set up and invite new users?
If you're an Office Administrator you can set up new users from your Account Info by clicking User Details then Invite Users or Add User.
Invite Users
Invite users allows the administrator user to invite a user to create their own login for Pricefinder.
- Hover on your name in the top right corner and select User Details
- Select Invite Users
- Enter the email addresses of the users you wish to add - multiple users can be added by separating each email address with a , ; or new line.
- Select Invite Users
Users who have been sent an invite will appear under the Pending User Invites list. If a user doesn't receive their invite you can also Resend Invite from here.
The user will receive an email inviting them to create a login.
Add User
Add user allows you to manually create a login for new users.
- Hover on your name in the top right corner and select User Details
- Select Add Users
- Complete the mandatory fields
- Select Save User
- Advise the user of their login details
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