How do I find the number of days on market it took for a property to sell?
You can find the number of days it took for a property to sell on the property report or in a sales search.
On the Property Report
- Search for a property address to open the Property Report
- Scroll down to For Sale History and the Days Listed will show the number of days to sell.
In a Sales Search
- From the Search Menu select Market Activity
- Select Sales
- Enter a Suburb, Postcode, LGA or Street Address
- A refine search option will appear to include any additional search criteria, such as including Agents Advice Sales or Relevant Sales or specify a property type. More Options allows you refine by criteria such as property attributes
- Select Search at the bottom of the page
A list of search results will appear beneath the Map Overview - Under Results View change the view to Sales (Agency Details)
The results view will update to include the number of days to sell, where available. - In the top right corner of the page the Print Page & Export Options button will allow you to
print the report as a PDF or Excel spreadsheet
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