Generate a Sale and Rental Price Estimate

Generate a Sale and Rental Price Estimate

The Pricefinder Sale and Rent Estimate is a user-assisted tool that allows you to generate a sale and/or rental price estimate for a house or unit using current market conditions.

Note: This is only available for residential properties 

  1. Navigate to the Property Report and select Pricefinder Estimate under Appraisal Tools
    or Enter the Property Address in the Quick Search and select Property Estimate


  2. Enter the property attributes, or check the existing attributes are correct, check or update the Property Type. Select Run Pricefinder


  3. Compare the six nearby sales by using the slider to compare each nearby sale to your property.

    View the condition of the comparable properties by selecting the property photo to view the photo gallery. After viewing the images, select the x in the top right of the gallery to return to the estimate.

    Slightly Worse/Worse: If a comparable sale is in relatively poor condition when compared to your subject property
    Slightly Better/Better: If a comparable sale presents better than the subject property
    Not Comparable: If a sale is not comparable, 'remove and replace' to display another nearby sale

  4. Select the Comparable Rentals tab to compare the six nearby rentals by using the slider to compare each nearby rental to your property
  5. View the updated Market Estimate to the left of the page as the estimate updates as each the slider is adjusted for each comparable property.


Print the Report

You can choose to print the estimate as a PDF report.

  1. Select the Print Report tab
  2. Select if you wish to display a Cover Page and which Report Content to include.
  3. Select Show Estimate Report to generate a PDF.



What if I want an automated estimate?

Pricefinder also provides an automated estimate based on comparable sales in the area. This is available on the Property Report under Estimate Range.

The automated estimate considers the property attributes and area, but does not consider additional features or the quality of the finishing.


What is the difference between the two estimates?

The Pricefinder Estimate is a user assisted estimate that allows you to consider the quality of the finishing for a more refined estimate. The automated estimated considers the property attributes and area, but does not account for additional features or the quality of the finishing.

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